the resource for logical error-free scientific documents written in English
About Your Editor
BioLOGICAL Editing is a full-service scientific writing, proofreading and editing company founded by Dr. Shelly Waggoner who has a Ph.D. in biochemistry from the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. Shelly also has postdoctoral training from Stanford University, Message Pharmaceuticals and the University of Pennsylvania.
Waggoner, S.A., Johannes, G.J., and Liebhaber, S.A. (2009). “Depletion of the Poly(C)-Binding Proteins αCP1 and αCP2 From K562 Cells Leads to p53-Independent Induction of Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor (CDKN1A) and G1 Arrest”. Journal of Biological Chemistry 284: 9039-9049.
Waggoner, S.A. and Liebhaber, S.A. (2003). “Identification of mRNAs Associated With αCP2-Containing RNP Complexes”. Molecular and Cellular Biology 23: 7055-7067.
Waggoner, S.A. and Liebhaber, S.A. (2003). “Regulation of α-Globin mRNA Stability”. Experimental Biology and Medicine 228: 387-395.
Matin, A., Baetens, M., Pandza, S., Park, C-H., and Waggoner, S. (1999). “Survival Strategies in the Stationary Phase”. In E. Rosenberg (ed.), Microbial Ecology and Infectious Disease. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C. 30-48.
Waggoner, S. and Sarnow, P. (1998). “Viral Ribonucleoprotein Complex Formation and Nucleolar-Cytoplasmic Relocalization of Nucleolin in Poliovirus-Infected Cells”. Journal of Virology 72: 6699-6709.
Waggoner, S. (1997). “Functional Interaction of Nucleolin With the Poliovirus 3' Noncoding Region and Nucleocytoplasmic Relocalization in Infected Cells”. Thesis dissertation.
Mentored Research Scientist Development Award, KO1 DK071137 (2005-2010)
National Research Service Award, 5 F32 GM063396 (2002-2004)
National Research Service Award, 5 T32 AI07328 (1999)
Thomas, J.D., Dias, L.M., and Johannes, G.J. (2008). “Translational Repression During Chronic Hypoxia is Dependent on Glucose Levels”. RNA 14: 771-781.
Thomas J.D. and Johannes, G.J. (2007). “Identification of mRNAs That Continue to Associate with Polysomes During Hypoxia”. RNA 13: 1116-1131.
I have performed over 3000 hours of editing service for various authors whose manuscripts have been submitted for publication (no reference, to remain confidential).
I have edited several grants (a KO1 and several RO3s, RO1s and R21s) that were submitted to the NIH. One of these RO1 grants scored in the 2nd percentile.
I have edited over 50 medical school application essays.