the resource for logical error-free scientific documents written in English
We offer the following 4 levels of editing or writing:
General Editing: This entails editing and proofreading for proper grammar, spelling, acronym usage, sentence structure, comma usage, consistency and any other general editing tasks. The fee for this level of editing is $14.00 US dollars/double-spaced page of 250 words.
Complex Editing: This entails all of the above services, as well as restructuring the manuscript to enhance its focus, and may include essential revisions to increase the readability of your manuscript. The fee for this level of editing is $21.00 US dollars/double-spaced page of 250 words.
Complex Editing With Shortening: This entails all of the above services, plus significant shortening of the text. The fee for this level of editing is $31.00 US dollars/double-spaced page of 250 words.
Abstract Writing: The fee for writing an abstract is $360.00 US dollars/double-spaced page of 250 words.
Rush Service: A typical manuscript can be completed in 7 days, and rush service is available. The cost for rush service is 75% of the total fee for the editing service.
Confidentiality: All manuscripts and correspondence will remain confidential, and will not be shared with any third party.